Tours of interiours

Prague Castle interiours tour

Prague Castle is one of the must sees. During the tour of its interiours we will visit St. Vitus cathedral, which is the main catholic church of the country, Old Royal Palace with famous Vladislav hall and replicas of medieval crown jewels, St. George basilica - this one is the oldest church of the Prague Castle - and Golden Lane with its pictoresque little houses. Our visit will finish with the dungeon and torture chamber, but don´t worry, not literally "finish"!

The tour takes approx. 3 hours. The admission fees are 250 CZK (10 euro) per adult of 125 CZK (5 euro) for childern, students or seniors.

St. Vitus Cathedral

Jewish Museum tour

Prague Jewish Museum would most likely be different then what have you seen in other European cities - it shows the history of Jews in Czechia, which is more then thousand years old, it explains the culture and traditions and above that, the expositions are in different synagogues.

Prague also has the oldest active synagogue in whole Europe, Old-New synagogue. And of course we would not miss the Old Jewish cemetery.

The tour takes approx. 3 hours. Admission fees are 500 CZK (20 euro) per adults or  350 CZK (14 euro) for children or students. No seniors´ discount.

Ceiling of Spanish synagogue

Strahov Monastic Library tour

Strahov monastic library consists of two wonderful barroque halls and owns more then 200 000 books. Some of them are shown in the exposition (inluding replica of the oldest book, Strahov Evangeliary written in 800s). We will also see cabinet of couriosities, some kind of pre-museum - some of the exponates are really curious, such as unicorn´s horn or basilisque...

The tour takes approx. 1 hour, I recommend to connect it to general sightseeing tour of the quarter or to the tour of Loreto church.

Strahov library - Philosophical hall

Loreto Church tour

Loretos where built all around central Europe as replicas of Santa Casa, birth house of Virgin Mary. It was an important pilgrimage place and it is far more then a church now - we will see the Santa Casa itself, several other chappels and the main church (with so many little angels!), Loreto treasury with the diamond monstrance called Loreto Sun, decorated with more then 6 000 diamonds and last but not least, funeral paintings from Lobkowicz crypt, inspired by Rembrandt.

The tour takes approx. 1 hour, I recommend to connect it with a general tour of the quarter of with tour of Strahov Library. Admission fee is 150 CZK (6 euro), they offer different discounts for childern, students or seniors.

Loreto - Santa Casa aka Virgin Mary´s birthhouse

In this case only, the price of the tour is per hour (duration of each tour is at its description). At all the other tours I state the full price.

The price is for the whole group, not per person. The admission is not included, you can find the admission fees prices at the tours.


Cena je uvedena za celou skupinu dané velikosti (nikoliv na osobu) a za celou prohlídku (nikoliv za hodinu).

The price is always for the whole group (not per person) and for the whole tour (not per hour). The price in Czech crowns (CZK) is fixed, the euro and dollar price might differ slightly according to the exchange rate changes.

1 - 4 osoby: 600 Kč

5 - 14 osob: 800 Kč

nad 15 osob: 1 000 Kč